What a Difference a Year Makes…
It was just over a year ago that the ever-dapper John Pizzarelli first began wearing the new wardrobe Paolo created for him for his appearances to support the launch of ‘American Standard’, the James Taylor album on which he collaborated. Flash forward (through thedreadful year of pandemic loss) to yesterday, March 14, 2021, when ‘American Standard’ won a Grammy Award for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album.
Our heartfelt congratulations to John, James and Dave O’Donnell. Bravo!
Sorry we didn't get a chance to see John owning the red carpet in his new PMB tux, but hey, there’s always next year…
Here’s a link to the ‘making of’ video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctWs_usT-BM) — and a look at the lovely tribute to John’s father, the great Bucky Pizzarelli, memorialized in the Grammy broadcast.